The Nordic colleges of general practitioners decided at their meeting in Copenhagen 23 April 2004 that a proposal for a new organisation of SJPHC ApS, which should include collaboration between the Nordic congresses and SJPHC within the framework of SJPHC ApS, should be drafted. This was finally accepted at the general meeting on 16 April 2005.

Consequently, the amendments of SJPHC/ApS were changed and also the name of the ApS to Nordic Federation of General Practice ApS (abbreviation: NFGP ApS).

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Anna Stavdal, the first President of the Nordic Federation of General Practice, wrote in an editorial in SJPHC, 2005; 23:129:

'It is our hope that the federation will prove to be profitable and useful for the academic as well as for the clinical field in Nordic general practice.'

Read Anna Stavdals editorial.









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